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You are a brilliant creator.

Updated: Dec 9, 2023

Yes, I'm talking to you.

As an artist I can't tell you how often people come to me and confess how terrible their art skills supposedly are (often in the form of a joke about stick figures.) And 100% of the time I think that's bullshit. (Also... there are some cleverly designed stick figures out there in the world, let's be honest.) I believe every person (even you, thinking that I'm not talking to you) is a deeply creative being. Maybe you can't draw the way that I draw. Hell, maybe you can draw a lot better than I draw and you may not even know it because you haven't invested in your skills, yet. The beautiful thing about creativity is that it isn't limited to any one particular style or medium, it's not even limited to art in the ways we commonly think of art. Creativity is innate to the human experience and it can also be learned, practiced and cultivated. That's not to say that it's easy, because that's usually not the case, but it may not always be challenging for the reasons you'd expect. In my upcoming posts I'm going to explore some of the hurdles that you may not realize stand between you and your creativity and how those very challenges will be what makes you a better artist and your best self and begin to unfold the ways in which the creative process helps us to understand and express ourselves in a way that nothing else can. I'm looking forward to seeing what you create!

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